Our Mission Statement
Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness.
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.
We look forward to a world where every child experiences Jesus’ promise of life in all its fullness.
Where they are protected, cared for and given the opportunities to become all God meant them to be.
Where they grow strong in communities free of need and full of promise.
Where they become responsible citizens of well led nations. Where peace and justice reign and all have the right to contribute.
Our Mission Statement
SORD Uganda is a Christian organization whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in working with the Orphans and Vulnerable people to provide education, fight poverty as education is the best tool to fight poverty and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.
Our Mission is ” Creating Hope in the Lives of Orphans “We pursue this mission through integrated, holistic commitment to:
Transformational Development that is community-based and sustainable, focused especially on the needs of children.
Feeding children and Vulnerable people in the community.
Promotion of Farming through participating in Goat Rearing and Crop Farming as away of demonstrating our commitment to reduce poverty and food shortage.
Through promoting Child Sponsorship Programme as away of giving opportunity to children to have education.
And empowering women as away of allowing them to earning through our Women Empowerment Programme.